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PIma County Genealogy Society


  • 1 Jul 2023
  • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Virtual via Zoom

Saturday, July 1

9:30 am to 11:30 am
Zoom meeting; PCGS members will receive link via email


Overview of Advanced DNA Evidence – Everett Johnson

Everett will provide an overview of the many topics covered in this Blain Bettinger course at "GRIP."  Your recommendation will be requested regarding which of these topics would be of interest for a deeper dive at future SIG meetings. 

Organizing and Evaluating your DNA Matches  Susan Fabian

Susan will review some techniques for organizing and evaluating DNA matches learned from "Tools and Strategies for Tackling Tough Research Problems", a course she completed at GRIP last week. She will also review how to create citations for DNA to use in both informal and formal reports. testing, and creating citations for DNA.

* * *

The DNA SIG meets virtually on the first Saturday of the month from 9:30AM-11:30AM. Both beginner and experienced topics are covered in an informal setting each month.

Pima County Genealogy Society

 P.O. Box 16421

 Tucson, Arizona  85732

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