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Youth Genealogy Education

Family history and genealogy can be taught to children in fun and exciting ways. It's important for young people to know about the past. The parents and grandparents of today's children have an important task to share their family's past with the next generation. Here are some ideas for how to do that.

Websites with ideas for teaching genealogy to children:

List of Family History Ideas for Children and Teens at - A list of over 200 ideas for activities, lessons, games, and so forth for introducing family history to children.

Make Family History – Creative and effective ideas for engaging teens in family history by using the technology they love to create family history related projects

Growing Little Leaves – Emily Kowalski Schroeder, in partnership with the Indiana Historical Society, has created fun, engaging, hands-on activities to help children learn more about their family and their family’s history

The Genealogy Kids – Created by Jana Greenhalgh and her children, this website includes a blog with fun ideas by kids for other kids

Familienforscher – “Family Researcher” – a German website with a collection of resources for educators, teachers, families and clubs to engage children in genealogy and family history


Created by Nicole Dyer
Updated 26 July 2018

Pima County Genealogy Society

 P.O. Box 16421

 Tucson, Arizona  85732

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