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PCGS Special Interest Groups

Also known as SIGs, these "member only" specialized groups were created to assist members with their genealogy efforts. Many groups meet monthly online. Meetings usually last about two hours, however, you should check the PCGS Calendar listing for the most up-to-date meeting day/time/location.

SIG meetings are informal and provide a great way to share genealogy research techniques and ask questions. If you have an interest in a particular area of genealogy that you feel should have a SIG, please let us know.

Wi-fi is available in the meeting rooms and parking is free. If you need more information about any SIG, contact us at:

Current SIGs:

Family Tree Maker:  How to best use this popular genealogy software program on both PC and Mac platforms is the focus of the group -- for  beginners and experienced users alike. Members meet to discuss and show hands-on application operations and features. Bring your laptop to meetings, if you like. Meetings are held online the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:30-11:30 am MST.  Check the Calendar for the date and registration information. 

DNA SIG:  Get answers to your DNA questions and guidance on interpreting your results. The first half of the meeting is a review of basic concepts and Q&A or a case study. The second half is a planned topic of the month and discussion of DNA developments. The DNA SIG meets online on the first Saturday of the month from 9:30AM-11:30AM MST. Please check the Calendar for the date and registration information.

Writers Group:  Members share their works-in-progress with each other for encouragement and constructive editing.  The group is currently full; please contact a board member if you are interested in beginning a second group.

If you would like to attend a SIG meeting but aren't yet a PCGS member, click here to join on-line today!

Special Beginners & Help Group Sessions

Beginning Genealogy Sessions:  These periodic sessions are designed to assist current members who are just getting started in their genealogy research. How to take those first steps down the genealogy path using information you may have already gathered and how to use genealogy charts, forms, books, websites and other resources will be covered. Check the Calendar for date, time and location of future sessions.

Help Group Sessions:  If you need help breaking through those brickwalls or are just looking for some general help, plan to attend an upcoming session. Sessions are designed to help the novice as well as the seasoned researcher. Check the Calendar for date, time and location of future sessions. 


Pima County Genealogy Society

 P.O. Box 16421

 Tucson, Arizona  85732

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