Diahan Southard's Technique "Filter, Don't File" – John Roads
SIG Member John Roads will present this technique based on a YourDNAGuide.com seminar.
Creating a DNA Research Plan - Susan Fabian
When it comes to viewing our DNA results, we often jump right in and start exploring our matches then get frustrated when we aren't getting the results we want. The reason? We go in without a plan. Like traditional genealogy research, DNA research requires asking a question, compiling background information, evaluating the best sites and tools to answer that question, then doing the research, and organizing the results. In this presentation Susan will go step-by-step into planning DNA research, discuss target testing, and creating citations for DNA.
Moving to AirTable – Everett Johnson - Moved to July 1 SIG Meeting
Everett will cover his experience moving his research information from Excel to AirTable at the July 1 SIG meeting.